Friday, September 27, 2013

Action Research Progress

Action Research Project Title: Collaboration: The Key to Student Success in Social Studies

Number of AR Project Documented Hours: 47 total hours

AR Project Summary (at least 250 words):
My action research project, Collaboration: The Key to Student Success in Social Studies, has been progressing relatively well since the beginning of March. The process began by my alerting the social studies teachers, curriculum leaders/coaches, and principals in my region of my intentions to increase collaboration among social studies teachers. This prospect was well-received among all parties included in this initial email. In that email, I made these individual aware that I would be sending a survey out soon regarding their views and opinions on collaboration within their school and among the region, and that anyone wishing to participate could anonymously complete the survey. On March 18, 2013, I utilized “The Metlife Survey of the American Teacher: Collaborating for Student Success” as my guide and created my own survey using Survey Monkey. I sent this survey out to my email list at 5:00 in the evening. By the end of that week, I had received thirty-seven completed surveys. I promptly reviewed the data from the surveys to determine the region’s views on collaboration. The survey returned data detailing if and to what degree collaboration is currently practiced within districts and the region as a whole. The survey also allowed me to determine the teachers and administrators most desired means of collaboration.

Next, took steps to creating the Region 5 Social Studies Advisory Council. I sent out the following email to all of the teachers and administrators in my listserv:

Dear Social Studies Teachers,

As I have been working as the Social Studies Coordinator since September, I have really been thinking about what can be done to improve social studies instruction and test scores in our region. I know that each of you is working diligently to strengthen the social studies program at each of your schools. I have found that what our region truly lacks at the moment is collaboration, the sharing of ideas among stakeholders in order to successfully complete a task. It is my hope to move us in a more collaborative and cooperative direction. The first way I hope to do that is to form a Social Studies Council for our area. I am looking for teachers, curriculum coaches and leaders, and administrators who desire to work together toward the betterment of our social studies programs. I know that alone, I do not have all the answers, but together we can achieve many great things. I would like to hold monthly meetings in which we discuss various strategies and methods for improvement and needed professional development, as well as discussing what is working in your districts. I would love to have people who are from different types of schools: big, small, Title 1, elementary, middle, high, etc. Please let me know if you would be interested in participating in this council. I am thinking about meeting once a month for a couple of hours. I know that trying to get substitutes is difficult, so it might require some outside of school time. This is something we can work out during our first meeting. I hope we can work together to move in the right direction! Please consider! Have a great weekend!!!

I was excited that within the day of sending this email out, I had fifteen teachers and administrators respond that they wished to join the group. We held our first meeting on April 1, 2013, second on June 24, 2013, and third on August 12, 2013. Meet with Region 5 Council each month to discuss ways to better our social studies programs. At our first meeting we created a vision statement examining our true goal. Throughout the meeting process we have sought to evaluate strategies and methods for improvement. We work collaboratively as a team to monitor progress, assess achievement, and address action research questions. We also determine needed professional development and discuss what is and is not working within the districts. Each of these occasions have yielded excellent ideas for improving not only the collaboration for our region, but also the conversations have really served to point me in the right direction for how I can best serve my teachers and their students.

Due to requests denoted on the survey, I have created a Region 5 Social Studies Facebook group in which teachers can join and share ideas with one another regarding strategies and instruction. This has been one of the most exciting pieces of the action research project in that I have witnessed teachers come out of their comfort zones to share information with one another.