Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Campus Action Plan: EDLD 5333

S.M.A.R.T. Goal (long range,3-5 years):
By 2017, Kountze High School will achieve an Exemplary campus rating.

S.M.A.R.T. Objective (What we can accomplish in one school year):
By 2014, 75% of all sub groups testing in grade 9 will meet or surpass the state standard for Math TAKS.

Target Population(s):
Activity/ Strategy (Include 3)
Person(s) Responsible
Resources/Estimated Cost
Formative Evaluation
1. Provide professional development about and implement Professional Learning Communities throughout the high school, each group consisting of at least one administrator or curriculum leader and teachers of the same subject area.
Mike Sims—District Curriculum Director
Kountze administrators and curriculum leaders
Janna Smith—Region 5 Secondary Math Coordinator
August 2013-May 2014
Initial training will occur during staff development week (August 19-23), with continuing training and/or collaboration during monthly PLC meetings.

Half-day training (print and materials included) from Region 5 Secondary Math Coordinator—
Building a Professional Learning Community at Work: A Guide to the First Year by Richard and Rebecca DuFour—one per each PLC facilitator/administrator
$29.95 x 4 = $119.80
Free team tools and reproducibles available at go.solution-tree.com/PLCbooks  

Total: $619.80

Minutes from weekly PLC meetings and submission of data analysis tools reflect high levels of collaboration in the area of math instruction, curriculum and assessment.
2. Provide professional development about and implement various formative assessment methods within the math classroom.
Mike Sims—District Curriculum Director
Math Department Chair—Dianne Guillory
Janna Smith—Region 5 Secondary Math Coordinator
August 2013-May 2014
Initial training will occur during staff development week (August 19-23), with continuing training and/or collaboration during monthly PLC meetings.
Half-day training (print and materials included) from Region 5 Secondary Math Coordinator—

Lesson plans, formal PDAS evaluations, informal walk-through visits, and minutes from PLC meetings will reveal increased knowledge and application of formative assessment within the mathematics classroom.
3. Provide professional development about and implement the 5E Model of Instruction within the mathematics classroom.
Mike Sims—District Curriculum Director
Math Department Chair—Dianne Guillory
Janna Smith—Region 5 Secondary Math Coordinator
August 2013-May 2014
Initial training will occur during staff development week (August 19-23), with continuing training and/or collaboration during monthly PLC meetings.
Full-day training (print and materials included) from Region 5 Secondary Math Coordinator—
Lesson plans, formal PDAS evaluations, informal walk-through visits, and minutes from PLC meetings will reveal a higher level of rigorous, inquiry-based instruction in the application of the 5E Model of Instruction within the mathematics classroom.
4. Provide a math teacher for tutoring services during after-school support program 4 days a week, Monday-Thursday.
All teachers in KHS Math Department will rotate weeks.  
August 2013-May 2014
One highly-qualified math instructor--$75/Week for 36 Weeks
Improved six weeks grades and benchmark scores for students in all subgroups per disaggregated data reports.
5. Conduct a book study with the math department on Steven Leinward’s book Accessible Mathematics: 10 Instructional Shifts That Raise Student Achievement. Implement the 10 High Leverage Mathematics Instruction Practices discussed in the book.
Math Department Chair—Dianne Guillory
KHS Math Teachers
August 2013-May 2014
The book study will be completed by the end of October; however, teachers will implement two of the 10 High Leverage Mathematics Instruction Practices between each PLC meeting.
Accessible Mathematics: 10 Instructional Shifts That Raise Student Achievement by Steven Leinward for each PLC member.
$31.20 x 6 = $187.20
Lesson plans, formal PDAS evaluations, informal walk-through visits, and minutes from PLC meetings will reveal knowledge and application of the 10 High Leverage Mathematics Instruction Practices within the mathematics classroom.

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