Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Getting Excited about Action Research

I have to be honest here; until this week I have been feeling very overwhelmed and stressed about the action research project. I guess I have felt that I didn't quite have all the information/knowledge I needed to be able to actively and effectively complete this assignment. As I have shared my action research ideas with the professor and and other classmates, I have been getting the same questions: How are you going to measure collaboration? How are you going to collect data for your topic? Etc. After this week's reading in Leading with Passion and Knowledge, I know the answers to those questions!!! As a result, I am feeling comfortable and excited about gathering data about my topic! I have already started drafting interview/survey questions to share with my teachers. Also, I have taken steps in starting a Region 5 Social Studies Advisory Council; I already have 20 teachers and administrators who have expressed interest in being a part of this council. Collaboration is on the rise in Region 5!!! Woohoo! 


  1. Congratulations Bridget! It sounds like you are off to a great start. Don't forget to post your AR plan/template into your blog as part of this week's assignment. P.S. I sent you an email to your school account regarding PBL. Thanks

  2. Hi Tracey!!! Thanks for the reminder! I am trying to get caught up on the AR Plan today. Also, I emailed you some info on PBL; I will continue to look through my stuff to see what else I have to share with you.

  3. Feeling the stress too Bridget! I guess I should have learned by now that I will feel better in a couple of days when I get a good hold on this!! I'm really glad that you have been able to get so much feedback this early in the game. Good luck on finishing up this week!
