Friday, March 15, 2013

Revised Action Research Plan

Hello again! Apparently, I am incredibly hard to satisfy when it comes to this action research project. I have made a few changes to my plan (you will see these changes highlighted.) Please let me know what you think about the plan itself as well as the changes I have made. Also, if you have any suggestions, critical or not, please let me know! I want this to be as right as possible!

Revised Action Research Plan
Research Question: How can our region develop a collaborative culture characterized by social studies teachers from different grade levels and school districts communicating, understanding and sharing expectations for all of our students? In what ways can I facilitate this process?

Goal: To promote collaboration among social studies teachers in their districts and throughout Region 5.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Survey social studies teachers, curriculum leaders/coaches, and principals from Region 5 regarding their views and opinions of collaboration within their school and among the region.

Bridget Kirby

Monica Mahfouz

March 18, 2013- March 29, 2013

Survey Monkey

“The Metlife Survey of the American Teacher: Collaborating for Student Success”

Review surveys to determine the regions views on collaboration. Analyze if and to what degree collaboration is currently practiced within districts and the region as a whole. Determine the teachers and administrators most desired means of collaboration.

Create Region 5 Social Studies Advisory Council made up of teachers, curriculum leaders, and administrators.

Bridget Kirby

Monica Mahfouz

April 1, 2013-
April 1, 2014

Interested social studies leaders who wish to participate

Meeting notes

Meeting calendar

Meet with Region 5 Council each month to discuss ways to better our social studies programs. Create a vision statement examining our true goal.  Evaluate strategies and methods for improvement. Work collaboratively with team to monitor progress, assess achievement, and address action research questions. Determine needed professional development and discuss what is and is not working within the districts.
Keep detailed notes during each meeting.

Interview experienced Region 5 consultants with experience in improving collaboration among our region’s teachers.

Bridget Kirby

Kay Olds

Janna Smith

Stacy Shultz

Johnny Vines

Roxanne Minix-Wilkins

Monica Mahfouz

Danny Lovett

June 1, 2013- August 25, 2013

Interview Questionnaire

Analyze consultant answers to determine best methods of increasing collaboration among teachers in the region. Determine what has worked in the past and what has not worked as well.

Identify and share current research and literature examining collaboration among educators.

Bridget Kirby

Region 5 Social Studies Advisory Council

April 1, 2013-
July 31, 2013

Lamar University Library

Region 5 Educational Resource Library

Online journals

Share findings with Social Studies Advisory Council and the region’s stakeholders. Conduct a workshop on importance of collaboration.
Ask workshop attendees to complete an online evaluation of collaboration workshop.

Create Social Studies Facebook Group to enhance sharing of ideas, teaching strategies and tools.

Bridget Kirby

Johnny Vines

Monica Mahfouz

March 1, 2013

Facebook accounts for teachers

Observe collaboration among teachers and administrators in Facebook group. Regard nature of communication through social media.
Keep detailed notes about interaction among teachers through the Facebook Group.

Monitor social studies instruction by conducting classroom evaluations and observations. Conduct pre-observation and post-observation conference.

Bridget Kirby

Johnny Vines

September 1, 2012-March 31, 2014

Region 5 Walk-Through Tool

Region 5 Evaluation Tool

2012-2013 Evaluations and Observations

Determine areas of strength and weakness among the region’s social studies teachers. Analyze past walkthroughs and evaluations to discover areas of improvement. Share information with individual teachers and administrators and collaboratively discuss ways for improvement.

Keep and share weblog with the region’s social studies teachers, administrators and curriculum leaders.

Bridget Kirby

March 1, 2013

Kindle the Flame Blog

Allow social studies teachers to participate and comment on the progress of increasing Region 5 collaboration.

Ask teachers, administrators, and curriculum leaders to complete a personnel   evaluation of my services to determine areas of strengths and weakness.

Bridget Kirby

Monica Mahfouz

April 1, 2014

Personnel  Evaluation Form

Analyze evaluation results to improve in areas of weakness and continue in areas of strength.  

Survey social studies teachers, curriculum leaders/coaches, and principals from Region 5 at years end to determine new ideals and beliefs about Region 5 collaboration.

Bridget Kirby

April 1, 2014

Survey Monkey

“The Metlife Survey of the American Teacher: Collaborating for Student Success”

At the end of the year review surveys to determine the region’s views on collaboration. Analyze any changes in opinions on collaborations within districts and the region as a whole. Determine effectiveness of methods of communication and collaboration.

Interview Region 5 Social Studies Advisory Council to determine satisfaction of Region 5 collaboration efforts. Video interview conversations to share with the region’s teachers.

Bridget Kirby

Region 5 Social Studies Advisory Council

Monica Mahfouz

Danny Lovett

April 1, 2014

Interview Questionnaire

Flip Camera

Review video to analyze views and opinions on the year’s progress toward a more collaborative community. Discuss any areas of needed improvement in order to sustain collaborative community.


  1. Bridget first of all thanks for posting to my blog. I appreciate the input. Secondly you have a very in depth plan developed. I think you actually have a more difficult project considering your current employment. I think your biggest weakness will be finding sufficient data, HOWEVER, you've got an awesome plan in place that I think will provide you with the data you need. The constant evaluations and surveys along with the blog and facebook page should provide more than enough. I also think it is great that your service center is interested in getting all social studies teachers collaborating and sharing ideas. I think your research could potentially start a new trend among our profession. Good Luck and I look forward to the updates!!

  2. Bridget, what an ambitious plan! I think it's admirable that you are willing to do so much in order to promote collaboration. The feedback opportunities that you've added will give you more data to use in your evaluation. I agree with Steven that you could start a new trend, which would be wonderful!

  3. Love the use of a FB group. I think it is a tool we as educators should use more often. Good luck with your project!

  4. Great plan. The FB page would be a great tool to collaborate with other social studies teachers. Good luck!

  5. Bridget,
    What a great idea. I really wish there was something like this for math teachers. You have put great thought into this and I hope it works out well. Can't wait to see how it goes.

  6. Its looking better all the time Bridget! I like how you added the additional surveys/questionnaires. I think this will make your research a lot easier. I've changed mine a little as well. Please check it out!

  7. My only concern is how will you be able to reach all the teachers in the district and region to get results. When you complete you surveys will they automatically by geared to reach all people or teachers who are involved, or only the teachers in your current school who agree to be part of the survey and rearch?
